The impact of Rotary Cinnamon Gardens on society is deeply rooted in the Rotary International's Seven Areas of Focus, which guide our humanitarian efforts and initiatives. Here's how our club's activities align with these areas:

Peacebuilding and conflict prevention

Disease prevention and treatment

Water, sanitation, and hygiene

Maternal and child health

Basic education and literacy

Community economic development


Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention

We promote peace and conflict resolution through initiatives such as peace forums, interfaith dialogues, and youth leadership programs aimed at fostering understanding and cooperation.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

Our club actively participates in disease prevention and treatment campaigns, including vaccination drives, health camps, and awareness programs on diseases such as polio, malaria, and COVID-19.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

We support projects that improve access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education in underserved communities, contributing to better health outcomes and disease prevention.

Maternal and Child Health

Rotary Cinnamon Gardens prioritizes maternal and child health through initiatives such as maternal care workshops, nutrition programs for children, and support for healthcare facilities serving mothers and infants.

Basic Education and Literacy

Our club is committed to promoting literacy and education by providing learning materials, scholarships, and educational resources to schools and students in need, thereby empowering individuals through knowledge.

Economic and Community Development

We engage in economic development projects such as vocational training programs, microfinance initiatives, and entrepreneurship support to uplift communities and promote sustainable livelihoods.

Environment Sustainability

Rotary Cinnamon Gardens undertakes environmental sustainability projects such as tree planting drives, waste management campaigns, and advocacy for eco-friendly practices to protect the environment and combat climate change.

Through our work aligned with the Seven Areas of Focus, Rotary Cinnamon Gardens makes a meaningful and lasting impact on society, addressing critical issues, empowering communities, and fostering a better world for all.